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These Supplemental Documents contain in-depth information on processes and procedures within the RMA system. Whereas the User Guide gives specific information about the operation of each program, these supplements provide a more in-depth, readable story format, that describes processes and procedures your organization can follow. Some of these relate to setup, others are used on a day-to-day basis.
See bottom of article for links to each section.
Chapter 1 Topics: Hardware and Company Setup
1.00: Supplemental Document Index
These individual supplemental documents contain in-depth information on processes and procedures within the Route Manager system. Whereas the User Guide gives specific information about the operation of each item, these supplements provide a user-friendly "story" format. Use this index as a key to guide you to the supplemental document of your choice. 1-00_Supplemental_Document_Index
1.01: Operating in a Multi-User Environment
Follow the suggestions in this guide on network configurations and how to manage day-to-day operations. Typically, a multi-user system requires additional support by a System Administrator due to the number of users and the complex environment. 1-01_Operating_In_A_Multi-User_Environment
1.02: Security Level Codes and Login Policies
To maintain law and order in your system, it is necessary to set up security options that match the needs of your organization. Smaller companies may not require strict security settings, others, such as large multi-branch companies may take advantage of the security options built into the system to establish a more secure environment. 1-02_Security_Level_Codes_and_Login_Policy
1.03: Guide to Training Material
Training company personnel is critical for every business. Even the smallest of companies cannot work most effectively if they do not understand how to use the software. Advantage Route Systems provides a variety of materials to help you train the people you work with and to assist you in becoming familiar with Route Manager Advanced. This chapter gives you a brief overview of the training materials that we produce and recommend. 1-03_Guide_to_Training_Material
1.04: Language Options
RMA offers a flexible language option that is simple to work with in 9 different language sets. This allows the product to be used globally. Locally, a user company will most likely already have at least one employee competent in one of the languages already offered by ARS. 1-04_Language_Options
1.05: RMA Custom Logos
One of the many new enhancements in RMA Series 4 is the ability to create your own custom logos. This will allow you to tailor your RMA software to display your own company's logo within the system. 1-05_RMA_Custom_Logos
1.06: Alternate Receipt headings
One of the many new enhancements in RMA is the ability to print multiple headers on your customer's handheld receipts. perhaps you deliver for more than one company, now you will have the ability to print an alternate header on each receipt, per customer. 1-06_Dynamic_Receipt_Headings
1.07: Setting Up Sales Tax
This document will guide you through a complete tutorial on how to establish sales tax within RMA. The tax system available in the program is robust and includes options for managing any complex tax configuration. Carefully study this guide to ensure that you clearly understand each option. 1-07_Setting_up_Sales_Tax
Chapter 2 Topics: Program Setup and Usage
2.01: Pricing Schemes in RMA
The RMA program provides several ways you can price products for your customers. This chapter will cover the following pricing methods:
Standard Price
Price Levels
Special Pricing
Price Lists
Quantity Pricing
Cost Plus Pricing.
As these pricing methods work together for a flexible program, it is important that you understand the various methods and their priority when determining the proper price for your customers as you sell your products. 2-01_Pricing_Schemes_in_RMA
2.02: Consolidating Customer Accounting Information
RMA offers multiple options for associating data from a number of different accounts onto a single billing record. This can be useful for a customer that has multiple stops in different locations that are to receive the same statement, or has larger accounts that have multiple locations over a wide geographic area. This document describes the available options and how you can use them. Fundamentally, there are three main options to choose from: Multi-Stop, Master Billing, and Consolidated Statement. You may use any combination of these methods within your system. They all work together to address the billing requirements for each of your customers. **Available in RM Advanced and Enterprise only. 2-02_Consolidating_Customer_Accounting_Information
2.03: Customer Notes and Employee Messages
In order to keep accurate and detailed records of important information on your customer's accounts, the RMA program offers a variety of fields that allow different types of messages to be entered and stored. The messages are divided into two types: Desktop messages and Handheld messages. It is important that each user understands the purpose of each messaging option. 2-03_Customer_Notes_and_Employee_Messages
2.04: Container Deposit Tracking
This section has been provided to teach you how to setup and manage container deposits within RMA. This process is defined as it applies to both the desktop and handheld computer.
The topics covered are:Setting up deposit items on the desktop
Assigning deposits to customers
Custom pricing for deposits
Bottle deposit entry on the desktop
Bottle deposit entry on the handheld
Empty bottle setup and usage 2-04_Container_Deposit_Tracking
2.05: Driver Commissions and Compensation
To establish a driver-based commission system, modifications will be made int he following areas of the program: Commission Class Codes, Product Charge Codes, and Employees. The balance of this chapter will define this process and also introduce you to the Route Commission report. It is important to note that all commissions are calculated based on the products sold on an invoice by the person (or persons if using two drivers) designated on the invoice under employee. 2-05_Driver_Commissions_and_Compensation
2.06: Terminating a Customer
This chapter will guide you through the process of inactivating or terminating service on a customer's account. 2-06_Terminating_a_Customer
2.07: Managing Credit and Accounts Receivable within RMA
The purpose of this chapter is to help you and other users manage credit and accounts receivable more efficiently using RMA. This will help you manage cash flow, reduce Days Sales Outstanding (DSO), and eliminate the costs associated with slow paying and write-off accounts. 2-07_Managing_Credit_and_Accts_Receivable_within_RMA
2.08: Advanced Credit (Dunning Options)
This document is for members of the finance team who are charged with establishing credit rules, collecting on slow accounts, and have general responsibilities for accounts receivable. 2-08_Advanced_Credit_(Dunning)
2.09: Prepay Products
The Prepay Products feature in Route Manager Advanced will allow products to be sold to customers without actually delivering the product until the customer requests. For example, if Sally decides she would like to buy $100 worth of bottled water, she can contact your company and purchase $100 worth of bottled water credits. These credits can then be used at the customer's discretion. Prepay is simply a way of making a sale and delaying the delivery. 2-09_Prepay_Products
2.10: Purchase Order Setup and Usage
Often, customers will give you a Purchase Order number to ensure their deliveries are received. This will allow them (and you) to know how and when you will be paid for the product you deliver. This chapter will explain how to setup, enter, and track Purchase Orders in the system. It will also explain the differences between permanently stored Purchase Orders and one-off™ numbers that are used only on a single delivery. 2-10_Purchase_Order_Setup_and_Usage
2.12: PDF Email Attachments
This chapter will guide you through the process of setting up your system to create and attach .PDF formatted statements and invoices to emails that can be sent directly from within RMA.
2.13: Managing Damaged Goods and Returns
Managing returned and damaged goods information within RMA gives you the ability to properly manage and track these items within RMA. When a product is returned to a route driver, you will have the ability to enter the reason why its being returned and - based on the reason selected - the program will return the item to inventory (return reason) or place it in a new "damaged" area internally (damaged reason). Reports can be run regularly so that you may monitor these situations closely. 2-13_Managing_Damaged_Goods_and_Returns
2.14: Multi Unit Pricing
This unique pricing option allows you to set up relationships between various units of sale, such as a logical hierarchy similar to the following:
- Each
- 6-pack
- Case
- Pallet
Once these units of sale are created, you can choose which unit you want to sell to your customers on the handheld. Optionally, if you are using the barcode scanning feature, each Multi-Unit scanned will allow you to choose any of the associated items (i.e. a '6-pack' is scanned, and a 'Case' can be selected, if desired). **Available in RM Advanced and Enterprise only. 2-14_Multi_Unit_Pricing (Cases and Eaches)
2.15: Period Discount Pricing
This unique pricing option allows you to set up discounts or free items for customers that purchase an established quantity of items over a period of time.
For example, if a customer purchases 10 bottles of water for the month, a credit can be created on the customer's account. Or, a free bottle can be delivered to the customer. 2-15_Period_Discount_Pricing
2.16: Custom Forms
The Custom Forms option in RMA allows you to print customized statements, delivery tickets, and other forms created for your company by Advantage Route Systems. This document will guide you through the set up process for each form option available. 2-16_Custom_Forms
2.17: Statement Logos
RMA includes a wide variety of statement options to suit your needs. This chapter will teach you how to add a company logo to your statements, giving your correspondence a more professional appearance.
2.18: Extending Route Calendars
Extending your customer’s route calendars is an important task that is generally performed close to the end of each calendar year. This process allows you to make route schedule changes for the following year, establish new holidays, and ensure that your delivery cycles are accurate. 2-18_Extending_Route_Calendars
2.19: Extending Route Calendars
In Route Manager, you can optimize your day by re-sequencing your stops to obtain the most efficient route. This can be done by the drivers on the handheld, or within the desktop. The sections below will outline how this can be accomplished. Click to download
Chapter 3 Topics: Daily Processing
3.01: Creating Invoices and Adjustments
This chapter explains how to process an invoice or an adjustment easily and effectively. It is recommended that you actually participate by entering an invoice while going through the process. 3-01_Creating_Invoices_and_Adjustments
3.02: Entering Payments
This chapter will help you through the process of entering payments. It will show you both Balance Forward and Open Invoice processes. It is recommended that you actually enter a payment while going through these procedures. 3-02_Entering_Payments
3.03: Entering Statement Payments
This chapter will help you understand the process of entering Statement Payments. These types of payments are entered when companies print their statements with an assigned numbers, similar to invoice numbers. This option is not widely used outside of the European market. 3-03_Entering_Statement_Payments
3.04: Route Settlement Entry
The Route Settlement Entry screen is a multi-functional input program used for inputting route data day-to-day. The buttons are designed to be used in an assortment of ways. Some of the items rely on data sent to the handheld, printed on a delivery ticket, or stored on the desktop. Each option is described within this chapter. 3-04_Route_Settlement_Entry
3.05: Equipment Movement on the Desktop
This chapter will walk you through the process of moving equipment from location to location without the aid of the handheld unit. There are four primary options available for moving equipment on the desktop: Installing, Pickup, Exchange, and Warehouse Movement. All of these items are discussed within this chapter. 3-05_Equipment_Movement_on_the_Desktop
3.06: Posting Transactions
This chapter covers the Post Transactions function within RMA. This is one of the most important functions within the program and should be followed carefully. 3-06_Posting_Transactions
3.07: Returned Check Processing
This chapter explains the proper steps to follow to process a returned check within RMA. It is recommended that you process a returned check while going through this procedure. 3-07_Returned_Check_Processing
3.08: Processing Refund Checks
This chapter explains refund check processing within RMA. It is recommended that you actually process a refund check while going through this procedure. 3-08_Processing_Refund_Checks
3.09: Managing Delivery Orders
The Delivery Order screen handles special requests from customers and is used to schedule special deliveries as needed. You may create and save multiple delivery orders for each account and track the progress of each individually to insure that deliveries have been completed. 3-09_Managing_Delivery_Orders
3.10: Inventory Management
Inventory tracking allows you to view the exact quantity of products available in multiple warehouse locations within the program. At anytime you can view product-on-hand totals, reorder levels, and quantities sold for the month, year, etc.
Within RMA, there are two inventory management methods to choose from:
1. General Inventory: Allows you to view quantity-on-hand totals, establish reorder levels, and is typical with most single branch companies.
2. Enhanced Inventory:Allows you to view quantity-on-hand totals, establish reorder levels, and manage products in multiple warehouse locations and types. You can also manage on-truck quantities, perpetual inventory, and truck-to-truck transfers. This is typical for companies that follow a strict warehouse management routine.
Both methods of inventory management are discussed within this document. 3-10_Inventory_Management
3.11: Rental Setup and Usage
The RMA program provides an extensive rent billing system that allows you to bill multiple rental rates, automatically generate rents on the handheld, and much more. This chapter details all of the options available for generating rent in the program. 3-11_Rental_Setup_and_Usage
3.12: Month-End Procedures
This chapter describes essential month-end procedures as well as other items that may be useful to your company as you create and follow a monthly routine. In this chapter we will address three distinct topics: Processes, Reports, and Backup Routines. 3-12_End-of-Month_Procedures
3.13: Post Transaction Errors and Recovery
During the Post Transactions process the RMA program moves data from temporary pending file locations to permanent posted file locations. This process can take anywhere from several seconds to several minutes, depending on how much information is being transferred. With the importance of this process in mind, the RMA program automatically backs up the data that is being modified before this process is executed. This feature will allow the user to restore the data back to its original state prior to posting should an unforeseen problem occur during the posting process (i.e., power outages, network issues, computer problems). This chapter covers the proper course of action to follow. 3-13_Post_Transaction_Errors_and_Recovery
3.14: Equipment Service
Equipment servicing plays an important role in providing excellent customer service to your customers. This chapter covers all of the equipment service options in detail. **Available in RM Advanced and Enterprise only. 3-14_Equipment_Service
3.15: Equipment Selling
This chapter will teach you how to properly set up and track sold equipment within RMA. This is a streamlined process that will allow you to sell both new and used equipment to your customers. 3-15_Equipment_Selling
3.16: Archiving/Removing Terminated Customers
The chapter will explain how to archive and remove customers from your system that have become inactive and/or terminated. The customers can be removed from the RMA database by archiving and eventually deleting all of their information from the program. This will allow you to permanently remove older accounts that are no longer needed. 3-16_Archiving_Removing_Terminated_Customers
3.17: Perpetual Inventory
The Perpetual Inventory option enables the ability to carry-over product inventory totals on your truck from one day to the next. This is especially helpful for companies running coffee service or snack routes. 3-17_Perpetual_Inventory
3.18: Equipment Asset Tax
Many times customers in the United States are required to pay personal property taxes. This is usually thought of as land and buildings but regularly includes vehicles and equipment. This is most often imposed as a local or state tax. Use the setup procedure below to establish the setup codes and apply them to customer records.3-18_Equipment_Asset_Tax
3.19: Daily Cash Recording
The Daily Cash Recording feature allows you to reconcile cash collected against cash recorded for each route uploaded from the handheld. Using a simple interface to manually input cash collected, the driver can be billed for any differences between the entered amount and the payment total uploaded on the driver's route. using this feature will ensure that your daily route collections are accurate. 3-19_Daily_Cash_Recording
3.20: Inventory Valuation
RMA includes an extensive inventory valuation system that allows you to instantly view your inventory values based on established cost information in put into the system. Depending on the option you choose, RMA will provide this information a on a Fixed Cost, FIFO (First-in, First-out) or LIFO (Last-in, Last-out) method of calculation. 3-20_Inventory_Valuation
3.21: Statement Processing
RMA includes a wide variety of statement options to suit your company's needs. This document will describe the different methods, frequencies, etc of our statement process. 3-21_Statement_Processing
3.22: Degree Day Forecasting
To assist users in the Bulk Propane (Retail) delivery business, this document has been created to show you how to set up, enter data on an ongoing basis, and report from RMA. It will cover the following: Customer Setup, Setting up Tanks, What Happens automatically in the system, Viewing ongoing data, Entering daily Temperature Recordings, Reporting from the system and basis for calculation.
This will help you plan routes more effectively based on consumption and customer demand. This can also be based on and related to temperature changes. Thus, if the weather turns cooler, it will automatically plan for increased consumption. 3-22_Degree _Day_Forecasting
3.23: Advanced Pre-Calling
The Advanced Pre-Calling program has been designed for companies that require a formal calling program to contact customers prior to delivery. The program allows you to call your customers based on an independent calendar (similar to Day Labels) or a fixed rotation, such as every 6 weeks. 3-23_Advanced _Pre_Calling
3.24: Daily Billing Statements
To save printing costs and expedite billing, you may find it helpful to Email or mail a delivered goods invoice to each customer instead of printing a receipt during delivery. This document will guide you through the steps required to accomplish this process. 3-24_Daily_Billing_Statements
3.25: Major Account Payments
This chapter introduces you to the process of entering payments by Major Account Code. Using this feature will allow you to enter a single payment and apply it to to all of the accounts assigned to the same Major Account Code in RMA. 3-25_Major_Account_Payments
3.26: Quotations
The Quotations option is used to create product or equipment quotes from customers by a salesperson. These orders can be monitored and converted to Delivery Orders once the customer agrees to purchase the items. This chapter will guide you through the entire Quotations process and the many options available. **Available in RM Advanced and Enterprise only. 3-26_Quotations
3.27: Setting Up Barcodes
Barcodes can be used in a number of different ways with the Route Manager software. The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate the various ways that you can derive greater efficiency with you operations.3-27_Setting_up_Barcodes
3.28: Customer Finance Assistant
The Customer Finance Assistant allows you to create a credit, debit, or write-off transaction directly from any of the Customer Information screens. Additionally, you also have the ability to transfer payments from one account to another — creating an easy solution when payments are applied to the wrong account. 3-28_Customer_Finance_Assistant
Chapter 4 Topics: Optional Configurations
4.02: Production Batch Codes
Production Batch Codes are identification codes that can be assigned to products in RMA to identify and track a batch of products for quality control and recall purposes. 4-02_Production_Batch_Codes
4.03: Updating RMA Via the Web
This chapter is designed to walk you through the process of updating your RMA program via the Internet. 4-03_Updating_RMA_Via_the_Web
4.04: Customer Retention Program
The Customer Retention Program is a customer incentive program integrated into RMA. Customers can earn “bonus points” toward future purchases or bonus items. This is how the program works: Credits are earned for the purchase of goods and services. Reward Points are automatically recorded and credited to the customer's account for specific items when invoices are posted. 4-04_Customer_Retention_Program
4.05: Custom Reports Menu
RMA supports a variety of custom reporting tools (e.g., Crystal Reports) to allow more flexibility for reporting purposes. Once these reports are created, the Custom Reports option gives you the ability to integrate these types of reports into the RMA Reports menu. This may be helpful for users that would benefit from having certain external reports accessible from within the RMA program (links to programs can be added as well). 4-04_Customer_Retention_Program 4-05_Custom_Reports_Menu 4-05_Custom_Reports_Menu
4.06: Purchase Order System
This module allows the user to enter and track purchase orders used by your company for purchased products. 4-06_Purchase_Order_System
4.07: Deferred Rent
Most companies prefer to bill rentals on an up front basis. This means they will charge the customer for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months in advance. While this is great for cash flow, it can have an uneven effect on revenue if the entire sale is recognized in the month it is billed. By using the deferred rents option, you can track how much revenue should be recognized in each period for the future. **Available in RM Advanced and Enterprise only. 4-07_Deferred_Rents_System
4.08: Managing Contracts
RMA includes contract options that will allow you to create, edit and manage contract information on your customers's accounts. this feature can be used in a number of different ways. 4-08_Managing_Contracts
4.09: Supply Chain Orders
The Supply Chain Order option allows product orders to be created on the desktop that will be processed or 'picked' from the warehouse and expedited to a shipping carrier. 4-09_Supply_Chain_Orders
4.10: Handheld Lease Agreements
The Handheld Lease Agreement feature gives you the ability to establish new equipment lease agreements right from the handheld. The agreement details are set up on the desktop and available on the handheld with each delivery. As equipment is installed on the account, the customer will sign the new lease agreement, and the information will be permanently stored on each account. 4-10_Handheld_Lease_Agreements
4.11: Enhanced New Customer Setup
The Enhanced Handheld New Customer feature allows you to create new accounts while making deliveries on the handheld. By establishing default settings on the desktop, you will now be able to capture important customer data on the handheld and create the customer's account automatically during the Afternoon Card process. 4-11_Enhanced_New_Customer_Setup
4.12: Weekly Standing Orders
The Weekly Standing Orders option allows you to set up recurring product orders on each customer's account that will repeat from week to week. In addition, separate product orders can be established for each day, and adjustments can be easily made when needed. 4-12_Weekly_Standing_Orders
4.13: Pick Processing
The Pick Processing feature allows you to create a series of load orders that can be printed and distributed to your warehouse employees for order 'picking'. Each load order contains all Delivery Orders, Standing Orders, and Load Requests per route. The Pick Processing feature is especially helpful for companies that have a high volume of orders daily. 4-13_Pick_Processing
4.14: External Price Import
This tool has been designed for companies that receive product pricing updates from suppliers or have hundreds (or thousands) of products. It allows you to update prices in RMA from a spreadsheet file. There are two options available to you:
1. Update prices into the product master file
2. Update customer prices for default products
Either way you choose to use it, this module will save you many hours of time when you need to update your prices. 4-14_External_Price_Import
4.16: Handheld Photo Logging
The handheld photo option in Route Manager allows your drivers to instantly take photos while on site and automatically attach the information to the customer’s account for reference. This can be helpful for providing definitive proof of a complaint, the current state of equipment at the customer’s location, product issues, and much more. To use this feature, you will need a Route Manager compatible handheld equipped with a camera. This document will guide you through the simple process of setting up and managing this instrumental addition to your operations. 4-16_Handheld_Photo_Logging
4.17: Legal Land Converter
The Legal Land Converter utility has been designed to help customers in the United States and Canada who have Legal Land Locations in their addresses and would like to code them with a latitude and longitude. This will allow these types of locations to be more readily used for mapping and routing purposes. 4-17_Legal_Land_Converter
4.18: Using RMA in a Store
Using RMA as part of your daily store routine will speed up the data entry process and help provide your customers with a rewarding experience during their visit. Using a single system for all of your point of sale needs will reduce tedious double entries and human error. 4-18_Using_RMA_in_a_Store
4.19: Hard Drive Destruction
If you are a recycler that destroys hard drives in your business, then you may wish to use this mini-module to keep track of hard drives that you destroy for your customers. 4-19_Hard_Drive_Destruction
4.21: Driver Manifest Codes
Driver Manifests are reports printed prior to the truck leaving the office that indicates what products are on the truck, as required by some agencies based on the product being delivered. 4-21_Driver_Manifest_Codes
4.22: Email Attachments for Promos
Have you ever wanted to send a flyer or promo piece along with your email communications to your customers? Now you can! As of Version 6.0.2r5 build 6658 this is now a default feature of RMA. 4-22_Email_Attachments_For_Promos
4.24: Setting up PDF Afternoon Reports
If you have too many reports and too much paper being generated every day, then you may want to consider generating .PDF files for all of your afternoon reports so they can be reviewed at a later point in time and save bundles of paper. 4-24_Setting_up_PDF_Afternoon_Reports
4.25: Setting up Credit Card Processing Fees
Utilizing the Credit Card Processing Fee’s feature will allow you to charge
your customers a credit processing fees for Approved and/or Declined credit
card transactions. 4-25_Setting_up_Credit_Card_processing_fees
4.26: Importing External Inventory Transactions
Importing external inventory transactions allows you to acquire data into the inventory program without keying in every transaction. For example, maybe your supplier provides you with a spreadsheet of goods received. If you get hundreds of transactions on each order, then this program will allow you to import an excel spreadsheet directly into RMA. 4-26_Importing_External_Inventory_Transactions
*** A sample import file has been included with this document for you to use as a guide. Additionally, a template file can be generated by right-clicking on the Import file within the Inventory Adjustments screen.
4.27: Importing Equipment
If you would like to import new equipment data into RMA, you can do so using our import routine. This is particularly helpful if you are buying hundreds of pieces of equipment at a time and receive data from your supplier in a spreadsheet or another database. 4-27_Importing_Equipment
*** A sample import file has been included with this document for you to use as a guide. Additionally, a template file can be generated by clicking on the 'Create Import Template' within the Equipment Import screen.
4.29 Setting Up Route Email Notifications
Some propane delivery companies are required to fill out an inspection form at the time of delivery. This section will discuss setting up and filling out the Propane Inspection form at a customers stop. 4-29_Propane_Inspection
4.30 Optimizing Your Data for Performance
System slowing down or using up more disk space than normal? Review the Optimizing your data for Performance guide for more help on how you can minimize data , get rid of old data, speed up your system and use less drive space. 4-30_Optimizing_Your_data_for_performance
4.31 Buying Asset Tags for your Equipment
Many of our customers have found it helpful to secure and use permanent bar code labels on equipment so they can be scanned and tracked. This can be a cost-effective solution if you have equipment such as coolers, merchandisers or tanks. 4-31-Buying_Asset_tags_for_your_equipment
4.32 Using Alaska Sales Tax Limits
Residents in the state of Alaska have an opportunity to save of state sales tax if they purchase more than $500 worth of goods on a single invoice. (Some counties are now $1000) This document describes the procedure to set up the sales tax so this will work properly. In addition, it will help you with reports that can be used for reporting purposes. 4-32_Using_Alaska_Sales_Tax_Limits
4.34 Marking a Stop as High Priority
From time-to-time, you may have a customer stop that needs to be serviced before other stops. Within Route Manager, you have the capability to make a stop appear on the handhelds in red or some other eye-catching color to alert your drivers that this needs to be a priority activity. 4-34_Marking_a_Stop_as_High_Priority
4.36 Setting up Sending Invoice After Delivery
Often times a customer would prefer to have a copy of their invoice sent to them right after their delivery either by email or fax. This is a standard feature of the Route Manager 6.2 software and only requires a couple of setup steps to do. 4-36_Setting_Up_Invoice_after_Delivery
4.37 Setting up Gratis (Free Goods)
If you want a convenient system to keep track of products that you give away to your customers, you should take a look at setting up and using the Gratis functionality. This is a built-in function within RMA. 4-37_Setting_Up_Gratis
4.39 RMA Salesforce Integration
Salesforce integration in RMA is through EDI Export. Right now we support only uploading transactions to Salesforce. 4-39_Popular_Reports
4.40 Credit Card Processing Companies
Here is a list of companies that provide credit card processing services that will work with our various programs. 4-40_Credit_Card_Processing_Companies
4.41 Deleting File from Customers' Accounts in EF2000
See below for instructions on how to delete files on customers’ accounts from EF2000.4-41_Deleting_File_From_Customers_Accounts_EF2000
4.42 Servicing Multiple Stop Accounts on One Invoice
On your Android Handheld, now you can service a customer who has multiple stops under on invoice. 4-42_Servicing_Multiple_Stop_Accounts_On_One_Invoice
4.43 Print Examples of Delivery Note Formats
Within Route Manager, you have the ability to create, print and send Delivery notes. 4-43_Print_examples_of_delivery_note_formats
4.44 RMA Sales force Integration
An optional feature that RMA is to pass sales data to Salesforce. This integration in RMA is through EDI Export. Presently, the only support we do is to pass sales transactions to Salesforce. 4-44_RMA_Salesforce_Integration
4.45 Managing Default Products on MangoMobile
This document will describe where to find the various options for allowing the drivers to manage customers default products, prices and quantities via the MangoMobile Handheld. 4-45_Managing_Default_Products_on_MangoMobile
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Create Date | July 28, 2015 |
Last Updated | April 14, 2017 |