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Advantage Route Systems

Author Archive

Missing ARSLauncher.exe message on the Handheld

When launching Route Manager on the handheld via the Shortcut in the start menu. Symptoms: Message on handheld stating ARSLauncher is missing and it is required to run the software. Cause: Generally the cause of this is switching from one type of removable flash card to another. Such as you used Compact Flash cards before,… Read More

Files in use by:XXXX and no one is on the system.

You are the only one logged in the system and you get a message that a file is in use by another user. Symptoms: You get a message regarding other users and you think the message is incorrect. Cause: Other users may be logged in. Resolution: When you get a message of:  “Files in use… Read More

Log in screen shows the user logged in, but they are not

Problem: Log in screen shows the user logged in, but they are not actually logged in. Resolution: Try the following steps: Go to Tools, Admin, Users currently logged in. Select the problem name. Select the trashcan. Click the clear locks button. Return to program and continue working. More Information: If the above procedure does not… Read More

Red / Pink Borders on screens

As you use RM2000 and look up a record such as a Customer, Transactions, Product, etc., you may notice that the area around the screen may change to a different color. The two colors that you may discover are red and hot pink. The hot pink color is primarily a multi-user warning of another users… Read More

User Stuck in System and I can’t log in to remove them.

What do I do if a user is stuck in the system? Symptoms: A user is stuck in the system and shows as “Currently Logged In” but is no longer active. Cause: Varies but often is caused by an illegal shut down of the computer. Resolution: If a user is stuck in the system and… Read More

RM2000 and Vista/Win 7 as a Host Computer

Windows Vista and Windows 7 are compatible with RM2000 V11 when running it as client. It is not recommended that Windows Vista or 7 be used the server for RM2000. Symptoms: File access denied messages, missing or corrupt files messages, “attempting to retry” messages.   Resolution: Do not use Windows Vista or Windows 7 to… Read More

Automatic Backup Prior to Posting

Automatic Backup Before Posting What it is There may be a need to back up certain files regularly and perhaps even daily. An extensive time period can be required to do a full backup for a large operation. The backing up of 50 or so files can be done quickly and automatically before posting. This… Read More

RM000 to RMA Upgrade Steps

The RM2000 to RMAdvanced upgrade is available for companies running RM2000 version 9x and later. It is designed to convert your data to the latest version of RMAdvanced. There is also a library of videos to assist you with the initial transition to the new program.   9xtoRMA_Conversion.pdf

Rebuilding or Packing Data, try again later.

What do I do if I try to log into RM2000 and I get messages like “File in Use” or “Try Again Later”? Symptoms: When you are attempting to log into Route Manager and are prompted with the following message: Rebuilding or Packing Data, Try again later or Files in use, Rebuilding or Packing Data. Cause: There… Read More

What are the really big bold numbers on my statements?

If you have large numbers printing just above the address on your statements, rather than the barcode that should be printing in their place, you need to register the postal barcode font. You can do this by following these directions. Symptoms: Large bold numbers printing above the address, where the Postal Bar Code should be… Read More