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Advantage Route Systems

Automatic Backup Prior to Posting

Automatic Backup Before Posting

What it is

There may be a need to back up certain files regularly and perhaps even daily. An extensive time period can be required to do a full backup for a large operation. The backing up of 50 or so files can be done quickly and automatically before posting. This is done automatically by the system, but is not a full backup. Thus it is still recommended to make a regular backup.

How to Setup

The feature is an automatic and integral part of the program. These files tha are backed up are in a zip file in the program’s Data folder. The Zip file is Bak_Posting.Zip. To view or select the individual files, unzip Bak_Posting.Zip and select the individual files as needed.

How to Use

Posting will be done automatically and in the normal manner. Be aware of the small amount of extra processing time to backup. All output information and messages will be the same with either setting.


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