As you use RM2000 and look up a record such as a Customer, Transactions, Product, etc., you may notice that the area around the screen may change to a different color. The two colors that you may discover are red and hot pink. The hot pink color is primarily a multi-user warning of another users activity in the program.
The are no symptoms associated with this tip. Rather, this is a normal activity that needs to be understood and properly used.
The red and hot pink screen alerts are created by the Route Manager program to warn a user of the activities of other users of the program that may be logged on at the same time.
Resolution is partly knowing the meaning of the red and hot pink warning. The second part is knowing what to do when the alerts appear on your desktop screen.
Here is the meaning of each.
When a red border is seen/appears, this means the record is deleted. This is the first step in deleting a record. The record may have been deleted by you earlier or by another user of the program. When RM2000 deletes a record(red warning is present), the record is still stored in the RM2000 program. There is still a possibility of retrieving the information.
This is because the actual removal of data only happens after packing or rebuilding the data. Until that time, use the steps below to retrieve the deleted record.
You will notice that when you delete a record the delete icon changes. It now becomes an undelete icon. This means if you click on the undelete button, you are given the opportunity to RECALL the record or retrieve it. The action is completed by clicking on the button and answering Yes when it asks “do you wish to undelete the record”.
When the record is recalled, it will no longer have a red border around the edge of the screen.
If you see a hot pink border around the screen, this means another user is editing the record you are attempting to access. You will not be allowed to make changes until the other person has finished their changes and left that program activity. If you click on the modify key and it does not turn Hot Pink, you may make your changes.
The hot pink warning is used to maintain data integrity. You may also see this screen in certain update processes as well. To access the record, wait a few seconds and you should be able to use the record. It is also a good idea to save records quickly after you make changes so others can make their needed changes and release the record to the next user.
More Information:
Details included above. If there is still confusion, contact ARS Technical Support.