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Advantage Route Systems

Author Archive

Invoice Listing Screen Usage/Features

As of Rm2000 Version 11.1.1 Release 6 (Build 2558) there have been some changes to the way the Invoice Listing screen works in Customer Information > $ Tab. Left Click Invoice: Selects/highlights invoice Left Click Payment: Selects/highlights payment   Double Left Click Invoice: Previews selected invoice in either HH or 8 ½ x 11 format… Read More

MangoGX – Handheld Setup/Troubleshooting

Please follow the guide attached below for the steps to setup WiFi and GPRS, Bar Code scanning and proper Reset procedures.   Configure_MangoGX.pdf

Aging with unapplied credits

Symptoms: Problem: Customers are showing up past-due or on hold-service even if they should not be or have a zero balance. Resolution: The customer may have unapplied credits on their account that show up in the aged balance section of the account (finance tab). If this becomes an excessive problem, turn on the option: ‘Apply… Read More

After update/upgrade, I can’t find this item on the menu. It’s missing now.

I have updated to a new version, or a new update that contained some new features. However, I do not see these features on my program. Symptoms: I no longer have access to a screen or menu since the upgrade. Cause: Permissions changed in upgrade with additions to a menu or screen. By default, when… Read More

Posting Invoices for Sub account located in a different branch than the master.

What happens when I have a sub account in one branch, and a master account in another branch, and I post just the sub account’s branch transactions? More Information: If you post just transactions for the sub accounts branch, the invoice will still post to the master account, no matter what other branch they are… Read More

Extending Route Calendars

How do I extend Day Label Calendars in RMAdvanced. Resolution: 1. Go to File > Branch Setup > Calendars > Holiday Calendar > Set up any holidays (must be done for ALL branches). 2. Go to File > Branch Setup > Calendars > Day Label Calendars – Update the Route Schedule End Date to the… Read More

Settng up Redemptin Value’s (CRV)

Setting up Redemption Value The following steps will show you how to set up CRV Within the Product Charge code screen:- 1) Create a product charge code for your redemption value, 2) Assign it to product class 5, as this will make it show up as a redemption. 3) Make sure you check the handheld… Read More

Slow login

Is there a fix for a slow login problem? Symptoms: Slow startup process and seems to hang at splash screen. Login screen seems slow. Local settings is very slow to: load, modify, and save. Cause: If you have all or some of these symptoms, then you could have a corrupt RM2000.INI file. Solution: Check your… Read More

RMA DL Check Utility (For “Docking” customers)

What is it? This tool can help you create and test your docking software interface to Route Manager 3.5.1 and later. To use the tool, do the following: Download the single ZIP file – DLCHECKER.ZIP. UnZIP the DLCHECKER in a folder on your PC. You can test that the software is working by running the… Read More

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) use for incoming calls in RMA

RMAdvanced has integrated telephony functionality that allows incoming callers to have their account information displayed on the screen. In addition, there is an optional module called Route Voice 2000 that allows for outbound calling. This document will address the CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) functionality for inbound calls.   CTI_with_RMAdvanced.pdf