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Advantage Route Systems

‘Electronic Filing Module -Self Help’

When attempting to view EF2000 documents all that shows up is Convert.bmp

What do I do if I try to view EF2000 documents and all I get is a screen that says Convert.bmp? Symptoms: When you are attempting to view EF2000 documents and when you double click on the document to view it all you see is a message that says Convert.bmp. Cause: The cause of this… Read More

Error 53 Updating Remote Directory

Description: Receiving an “Error 53” when updating Remote Directory from the EF2000 machine.   Reason: EF2000 is looking for the command.com shell and can’t find it. Resolution: Create a flag file called “cmd.ars” in the root of the EF2000 folder. Do this by creating a new “Text Document” in the EF2000 folder, then reanaming that text… Read More