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Advantage Route Systems

Upgrading from a Previous Version Warning

If you are upgrading from a previous version, you should read this document before proceeding to prevent problems.


Symptoms only arise if proper procedures are not followed.


The cause of problems is from not following proper procedures.


The following procedure should be used when making a MAJOR UPGRADE. 
An example of upgrading from a previous version would be if your current version is 3.5 and you are upgrading to version 4.0. Any time the 1st or 2nd number changes it is considered a MAJOR upgrade and the upgrade should be planned accordingly!


If you are upgrading from an older version, this is a MAJOR UPGRADE!

  1. You can ONLY install this upgrade after ALL handhelds have been uploaded for the day.
  2. You can NOT install this upgrade Midday, or routes will be corrupted, and data will be lost.
  3. You must also make a backup before continuing.
  4. After the upgrade is complete, you must do the Prepare Data Card procedure followed by a Morning Card on each of your Storage Cards for your handhelds.
  1. Although it is optional, you may want to contact the Technical Support Team to let them know when you will be upgrading your software.

    More Information:

    *Failure to follow these instructions can lead to data corruption and possible data loss that may not be recoverable.*


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