Aging Analysis Report vs Open Invoice Report. What is the difference between these 2 reports? should they match? or should they be different?
More Information:
The below information is provided to clarify the difference between 2 reports. The 2 report considered are the Aging Analysis Report (Balance) vs Open Invoice Report (Balance)
The balances can MATCH and can also be different. Both ways are CORRECT….
What Determines this….?
The Aging Analysis Report takes ALL customer ‘open invoice amounts’ and/or ‘balance’ to create correct aging totals. The open invoice report will only reflect amounts due on customers that are toggled as OPEN INVOICE.
Users need to know if their customers are on OPEN INVOICE….or NOT…
If all customers are toggled OPEN INVOICE then BOTH report totals will be the SAME. If any customers are not open invoice, the report totals WILL not be the same. YET the aging analysis is STILL CORRECT TO COLLECT A/R information FROM.
If the customer Open Invoice checkbox isn’t marked then they are on a balance forward. Therefore their amount due will NOT show up on the Open Invoice Report.
Carefully determine that all customers are correctly categorized as open invoice or balance forward.