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Advantage Route Systems

I Accidentally posted a bad payment to an account, what do I do?

If an invoice or payment has been made incorrectly and posted, you will need to create a NEW payment for that account to correct any payment errors.


The customer has incorrect financial information on record of a payment made that needs corrected. This is done by creating a NEW payment for that account, and enter the payment amount you want to back out of the account. Make sure you have it as a negative payment.


Input of incorrect information to the handheld or desktop computer.


Example: We accidentally posted a $25.00 payment on account 001111.

  1. To correct this, go to Transactions > Payments > Local Payments > Mail Payments.
  2. Select the blue plus sign to add a new payment.
  3. Enter in account 001111, and enter the amount as -25.00.
  4. Generally, change the date to the date of the incorrect transaction so the correction is obvious.
  1. Save and post the new invoice.

    More Information:

    It is also a good idea to make a note in the note field. After you post, the balance will be correct.


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