Will you explain what happens in the automatic backup process before posting and during the posting process?
Various messages and even error messages are received during the Posting process. These messages warn that an error has occurred during posting.
There are various causes that are not readily defined. This discussion will center on correcting problems in a general way.
Error During Posting Warning
When there has been an error during posting, the user that was posting will receive the message whenever they try to do anything within Route Manager: “Warning an error has occurred during posting”
This user should contact their system Administrator, and notify the system administrator of the error received. The system administrator should then proceed to the How to Restore section below.
How to Restore
The Administrator will need to have everyone log completely out of Route Manager. The Administrator should make a backup at this point. If the original error during posting was about “file in use”, then it is suggested to Clear Locks (Tools > Admin > Users Logged In > Clear Locks) and restart the server or main computer before moving on. The user that received the error, and is now receiving the warning messages should log in and go to the Transactions, Post Transactions screen. The user will then be asked if they want to restore from the backup.
It is recommended that the Administrator first make a backup, then choose Yes to restore the backup. Information entered AFTER this posting error will be lost, and will need to be re-entered.
If the Administrator decides NOT to restore the backup, possible information could be lost. The Administrator should go through every transaction that was posted to verify that it posted on each account and the balances were adjusted accordingly.
More Information:
Work with this procedure to obtain further familiarity. If help is needed, contact ARS Technical Support.