Are you unable to email out statements, Invoice copies, Etc? In order to use email you must setup the postcript and ghostscript printer. Follow these instructions to do so.
Errors or Blank Attachments when trying to email through Route Manager.
Post Script printer not setup and/or Ghostscript program not installed.
- Download and install this Ghostscript Printer (attached below) on your server. Note: This will have to be installed on a central location that ALL users have access to. So it must be shared on the network.
- Be sure to install the proper “32Bit” or “64Bit” version for your Operating System.
- Windows 32bit Operating System: Download LINK
- Windows 64bit Operating System: Download LINK
- If you use Terminal Services, you will need to install the printer through the Add/Remove Programs panel.
- If not using Terminal Services, you will need to install this on a central computer (main pc that has RM), and make sure its shared. A good suggestion would be in the RM2000 or RMA folder, since it should be shared already.
- Then install a postscript printer (Depending on your Operating System)
- Select ADD Printer
- Choose Local Printer
- Choose port LPT2, then choose the corresponding printer for your Operating System:
- Windows 2000, XP: “Apple” and then “Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600”
- Windows Vista/7/Server 2008: “Lexmark” then C510 PS (MS)
- Windows 8/10/Server 2012: “Samsung” then “Samsung B/W Laser PS Class Driver”
- Choose to Share the printer and give it a name (RM_Postscript is a good name)
- If you are NOT using Terminal Services, you will need to go to EACH workstation, and add the shared printer above.
- Then in Local Settings on the Printers tab, select the Postscript (PDF) printer and the GhostScript driver (installed above)
- Choose the Postcript printer you installed in step 2.3.
- Select the path to the Ghostscript program:
- If all users in your office use Terminal Services, you can use the default installation location: default is:
- 32 Bit Windows: C:\Program Files\GSgs9.06\b in\gswin32c.exe
- 64 Bit Windows: C:\Program Files\GSgs9.06\b in\gswin64c.exe
- If you are not using Terminal Services, you must point it to the shared GSWin32c.exe or GSWin64c.exe
- If all users in your office use Terminal Services, you can use the default installation location: default is:
- In Employee Setup, make sure all employees that will be emailing have an email address entered for them.
- In Company/Branch Setup, make sure you have an email address defined.
- Click the email button and it will generate the report and prompt for the email address/subject/message. Fill in this information and select Send.