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Advantage Route Systems

RMA 6.2.2r4 Release

RMA Series 6: 6.2.2r4

Please log into www.ARS247.com to download this release. It will be located under the Support > Downloads > Route Manager Advanced >  RMA Release 6.2.2 section.


Desktop Changes:
T20140806.0026 – Enh: Global Price Modifications – Enhanced the Global Price Changes on Default Products screens to allow updating prices by Product Class, and an option to do “All Products” assigned to customers. This will allow easier price upgrades to larger groups of products. Also added an option to export the Proposed Price Changes Report.
T20140806.0026 – Enh: Purchase Order Price modifications – Updated the Purchase Order Entry routine to allow the person entering the Purchase Order to update the Default Product Price Level for the newly entered product. Upon Receiving the product Purchase Order, when asked to Update the Cost, the Vendor Price will also be updated. If a New Price was entered upon adding the Purchase Order, the person receiving the Purchase Order will be prompted to update the Product Default Price Level.
T20140820.0020 – Enh: Product Entry “Fast Find” midstring search – When entering a Product Charge code, if you press the “Enter” key on your keyboard (while the charge code field is blank), a Product Fast Find feature will be shown. On some screens (where room permits) a new Fast Find button (Binoculars) will be shown as well. From this Fast Find screen, you can search by any part of the Product Code or Description.
T20141023.0016 – Enh: Credit Card process by Invoice – Added new feature to the “Charge Now” section on the Credit Card screen in Customer Information. You can now select specific invoices for the Credit Card to be charged against, and they will be marked as paid upon posting the newly added Credit Card Payment.
T20141024.0003 – Enh: Add “Right Click” context menu for Cut/Copy/Paste/Select All – Added a Right Click menu to all fields in Route Manager to assist with Data Entry.
T20141030.0018 – Enh: Load Order Import – Enhanced the Load Order Import routines.
T20141017.0020 – Enh: Load order creation from Load Request on upload – Enhanced Load Request feature from handheld to automatically create a new Load Order.
T20141031.0017 – Enh: Send Load Orders via RMLive – Enhanced Load Order process so updated load orders can be sent via RMLive to the handheld.
N/A – Enh: Added new “Cell” field in List > Employee Setup > Employees to be used for CMC messages to the Driver.
T20141028.0038 – ESF: Remove “Web Class” from EQ Type – Removed field as it is no longer used in eStoreFront.
N/A – Variable ‘ADNLOGIN’ is not found when processing Frontstream Credit Card batches – Fixed error when attempting to run a Batch of Credit Cards for Frontstream.
T20141103.0007 – Adv Comm holding files open preventing Period Close / Backup / Restore – fixed issues causing Advanced Communications module to leave files locked open.
T20141112.0016 – Error Trap Receive Purchase Orders – Fixed error trapper when attempting to Receive a Purchase Order.
T20141113.0015 – Error Trap: Variable ‘EQ_MSG’ is not found – Fixed error trapper when attempting to add equipment to an account.
T20141113.0002 – Error Trap: Variable ‘COMP_NXINV’ not found – fixed error trapper when working in Invoices & Adjustments.

Windows CE Handheld Changes:
T20141021.0024 – Scan / Confirm invoice products through Shopping Cart – Added option in Handheld Class > Sales Rules 2 tab to “Use Shopping Card Product Scans” that will allow a driver to essentially scan and confirm the products he has established to sell the customer, and what they have loaded to be given to the customer to confirm if they match.

Mango Mobile (Android) Changes:
T20140408.0012 – Enh: Credit Card Payments – Added the ability to Charge a Customer’s “One-Time” card on File, Vault a NEW card (and choose whether to bill it one time/right now or set it as Monthly billed), and the ability to take a one-time payment on a NEW card, and not store the card. This functionality is available only when using RMLive and the handheld has a connection to the internet and is compatible with Authorize.net. If you are NOT using RMLive, you are able to take a “Pending” Credit Card payment on accounts that currently have a One Time card already on file. The One Time Date/Amount will be adjusted on the desktop during Afternoon Upload so it is picked up the next time Batch Credit Card Processing is ran. Accounts setup as Monthly (Or Group), will notify the driver the credit card will be automatically billed at the end of each month. This is enabled by choosing the “Process Credit Cards on Handheld” option in Handheld class > Finance Tab > Credit Card Payment Type.
T20141103.0006 – Enh: Search by Address – Modified the existing “Search by City” Off Route option to allow the driver to select which part of the Address they would like to search by.
T20141103.0008 – Enh: Add ability to enter Non–Tank Units and From Full Units on product entry.
T20141105.0022 – Enh: Prevent Driver from Editing Quantity after entering Tank Measurements from within Misc Items.
T20141103.0005 – Enh: Show Delivery Order Reasons and/or Products on Route Listing – Handheld now pays attention to the Show Delivery Order Reasons and Delivery Order Product flags in Handheld Class > General tab. If enabled, it will display the reasons that are enabled to show on the handheld.
T20141021.0024 – Enh: Scan / Confirm invoice products through Shopping Cart – Added option in Handheld Class > Sales Rules 2 tab to “Use Shopping Card Product Scans” that will allow a driver to essentially scan and confirm the products he has established to sell the customer, and what they have loaded to be given to the customer to confirm if they match.
N/A – Enh: Android: Buy/Gets module – added support for the Buy/Gets module.
T20141103.0004 – Meter Reading: Percent and Gallons decimal places wrap to a new line on the receipt.
T20141118.0009 – Fixed issue with One Time Messages not popping up when selecting an account.

Customer Message Centre Changes:
T20141029.0021 – Enh: Send Statements “From” address based on Branch instead of User sent – If there is an Email Address entered in Statement Codes Setup for the Email Statement code, the system will use that as a default “From” address for statements sent from that Code, rather than the user. If that field is empty, the users email address will be used. If the statement code is setup to “Use Customers Branch” settings, it will then use the Email Address field setup in Branch, unless blank.
N/A – Enh: Mandrill DNS Confirmation SPF/DKIM Key Validation tool in CMC Setup – Added a “Self-Test” feature to Advanced Communication Configuration to test your DNS Server to make sure it has the proper SPF/DKIM records to properly display your “@Domain.com” from address on CMC emails (rather than the “sent on behalf of….” Message).
N/A – Enh: Status Monitor Screen: Arrange Status Key in lower left corner to the order in which a message goes through the various status stages.
N/A – Enh: Generate Messages:  After generating messages, a new popup box will appear, letting you know the process was completed and asks if you would like to review the Broadcast Status Report or not.
N/A – Enh: Generate Messages:  Renamed the “Preview” of the Broadcast Status Report.
N/A – Enh: NAP for CMC Generation – Added ability to Schedule specific report criteria from the Generate Messages screen.
N/A – Enh: Convert Driver SMS/Pager button (Route Tab, Delivery Order) to use the CMC Generate One Time SMS Message form. This will automatically pull in the Phone number from the new Employee Cell field in Employees.
N/A – Enh: Added option in Modules > CMC > CMC setup to Automatically Send a Copy of all CMC Emails to the Original Sender and/or to a Specific Email Address.
N/A – Enh: Added Option in Modules > CMC > CMC Setup to set the default Faxing Cover Page setting (on/off). When generating faxes from the One Time CMC Fax forms users also have the ability to override the default cover page option.
N/A – Enh: Add the ability to automatically email Afternoon Route Upload Reports via CMC. Added new option in Handheld Class > Upload Reports 2 tab to enable this feature, and define what email addresses the Afternoon Reports will be sent to. Anytime a driver uploads an afternoon card, the Reports specified on the Upload Reports and Upload Reports 2 tabs will be automatically emailed to the specified addresses as a PDF file, eliminating the need to always print the afternoon reports.
N/A – Enh: Status Monitor Screen feature: Added the ability to select Error CMC messages to re-send. If ONE message is selected to resend, you can modify the recipient address/contact info before sending. If multiple items are selected they automatically are resent to the existing recipient address/contact info. Simply check the Resend box, and then hit the Resend button at the bottom. NOTE: This only applies to messages that did NOT successfully send previously and are identified as an “Error” in CMC.
N/A – Enh: Status Monitor Screen feature: Added new button at the top of the screen to stop the Auto-refresh of the screen.
N/A – CMC: HTML email rendering issues – Fixed issues where “Enters” or “Carriage Returns” were not being properly formatted and causing templates to not function/convert properly.
T20141112.0010 – CMC Email log entries (two) per email – fixed issue causing emails sent from RMA/CMC creating two log entries in the Contacts tab of Customer Information.
T20140319.0010 – Fixed issue when the driver updated the Fax number on the Send Invoice After Upload feature, the phone number wasn’t being properly updated to the correct format on the desktop.


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